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Retriever Training Tests, 3rd EditionBy James B Spencer
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This book contains a collection of diagrams of training tests, each with an explanation of the significant environmental factors: wind, terrain, cover, and placement and sequence of falls. It is not an exhaustive collection of tests -- that would be impossible, for new tests are being designed all the time -- but the collection is sufficient to allow beginners to understand the significant elements of test structure. This book will enable novices to understand the subtleties of tests that they encounter at field trials, in working certificate tests, and in hunting.
- Sales Rank: #1321009 in Books
- Published on: 2011-03-01
- Binding: Paperback
- 225 pages
An excellent source for identifying a lot of factors and their effect on the dog is the book, Retriever Training Tests, by James Spencer...This book will be helpful to you in recognizing things that will make marks and blinds harder or easier for your dog, and to be better able to digest the test being described by the judges and to evaluate what is happening to the test dog and what will face your dog when you run. The book covers a multitude of things on marks and blinds with diagrams. Good book. I've argued for about twenty years that every prospective judges (sic) should be required to read it before attending their first seminar. Day in and day out, we'd have fewer poor test set-ups. --Rich Carpenter - UKC's Hunting Retriever Magazine
About the Author
Since the early 1950s, Jim Spencer has been working with the sporting breeds, especially retrievers -- always as a hunter, for a while as a field trialer, and more recently as a hunting test participant and judge. He has titled dogs in hunting tests for retrievers, spaniels, and pointing breeds. He has judged all three types of retriever hunting tests (AKC, UKC, and NAHRA). In fact, in 1985, he judged the Master level of the first licensed AKC hunting test for retrievers. He has also judged all levels of AKC hunting tests for spaniels.
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