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The Poetic Edda: Volume III Mythological Poems IIBy Ursula Dronke
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This volume presents four of the most intricate and fascinating mythological poems of the Poetic Edda, with parallel translations and individual introductions and commentaries. 'Havamal', notable for its unforgettable flashes of beauty and despair, explores the nature of human knowledge. 'Hymiskvita' is the boisterous tale of the giant Hymir. 'Grimnismal', the lay of Grimnir, the Visored God, is a dramatic monologue spoken by Otin. The final poem, 'Grottasongr', is the song of two girls kept as slaves by King Froti to work at his magic grindstone. Ursula Dronke provides new and illuminating textual readings of these celebrated works.
- Sales Rank: #1758999 in Books
- Published on: 2011-07-21
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 6.40" h x .90" w x 9.30" l, .90 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 380 pages
The strength of Dronke's edition undoubtedly lies in its literary interpretation of the text and it's English translation Margaret Clunies Ross, Journal of English and Germanic Philology
About the Author
Ursula Dronke is Emeritus Vigfusson Reader in Ancient Icelandic Literature and Antiquities, University of Oxford and and Emeritus Fellow, Linacre College, Oxford. Her publications include The Poetic Edda: Volume I: Heroic Poems and Volume II: Mythological Poems (both Clarendon Press), and The role of sexual themes in Njals saga: The Dorothea Coke memorial lecture in northern studies (Viking Society for Northern Research).
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